Friday, May 1, 2009

My Day Off! : A Look At Ranges

Today was off to a rocky start! Early morning, in the middle of work, my car battery decides to die. So I spend hours calling a tow truck, talking with the tow driver,(it was very hard to understand his English)and finally arriving home at 7AM. I normally would have been home around 4:30.

Waking up at 12:00pm, and spending a few hours browsing 2+2, I think I'm ready to tackle a day of winning poker! ;D. I'm making it a habit now to set a list of goals for every session, so that I may build a foundation of things to think about while I play. So without further adieu, here they are!

1)[ ]Putting people on ranges. I think I could use some work in this area.. Although I feel it isn't too necessary at the stakes I play at because people play so poorly, I think practice in it will help as I move up. I feel I don't put enough thought into this. "What Villain type am I playing?" "Anything out of the ordinary? Villain tendancies?"

2)[ ] Planning the pot. Sometimes I screw up on this. This should be something I do after I put him on a range. (according to villain type) After I do that, I should think, "Do I want to see a big pot with this hand or a small pot?" "What will help me achieve this goal? Check, raise, or call? Fold?" "According to opponent's responses, does he want to see a big or small pot with his hand?"

I think I'm just going to stick with those two for now and see what comes out of this session. Just gotta keep it simple and build upon what I learn later! So let's give it a go!

**Pause** ( ~3:54pm)
**Unpause** (~8:38pm)

This is really frustrating. I took a couple of beats and now I'm down 5 bucks. I think I'm just going to take a break now because apparently it's "everyone flops the nuts vs Chris" day. My mindset is completely off now, and I feel like punching babies. I'll update this more later.

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