Wednesday, May 6, 2009

FML: Sick of .02NL, Moving on...

Yep... still playing 01/02.... yippeeeeeeee! I think I'm about to say fuck it and move up. I mean I am bankrolled to play 02/05... I might as well stop being a fuckin' nit pansy-boy and take a shot, right? Here's just a little sample of what I've been dealing with over the past 3 months.

Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 115308

The Official Hand History Converter

CO: $2.33
BTN: $0.93
SB: $0.87
BB: $0.89
UTG: $1.73
UTG+1: $3.70
Hero (UTG+2): $5.21
MP1: $1.10
MP2: $1.66

Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is UTG+2 with AA of spades AA of hearts

2 folds, Hero raises to $0.08, 1 fold, MP2 calls $0.08, 2 folds, SB calls $0.07, 1 fold

Flop: ($0.26) KK of clubs QQ of spades 22 of hearts (3 players)

SB checks, Hero bets $0.15, MP2 raises to $0.30, SB folds, Hero raises to $5, MP2 calls $1.28 all in
Turn: ($3.42) 55 of diamonds (2 players - 1 is all in)

($3.42) 66 of diamonds (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $3.42
Hero shows AA of spades AA of hearts (a pair of Aces)
MP2 shows KK of hearts 66 of spades (two pair, Kings and Sixes)
MP2 wins $3.27

(Rake: $0.15)

Holy fuck my life?!? are you serious!? Well.. I guess he was, given that he was short stacked, called a preflop raise (PFR) with a K, hit top pair on the flop, and decided it was a hand he could ship it in with, despite my FIVE DOLLAR RERAISE, LOL. Sometimes I think this game is rigged. I saw so many retarded suckouts that day. Prior to that hand, I saw a fish call a large 20c raise from a nit with KJ, and flop AQTo, the nit of course had KK. And then that one time I got it all-in vs two fish, one with 55, and the other with AQ. Ok, so the 55 was a slight favorite over us, but I knew I had the AQ dominated... yet the flop comes something like.. J94, turn K, river T... sdlfkjasdfa

Good ole micro stakes. Analyzing my last session, after the two suckout hands, I tended to spew quite a bit. I've cooled down a bit now, but I think I should take a break and review my goals before I head off to gamble with twice the money I used to!

1) Take more notes. Reads are VITAL.
2) Table selection and seating position. Before, I wouldn't pay much attention to this, but I realized that this has a HUGE affect on your win rate. I'm paying more attention to this now.
3) Range+Pot control observation. This is just a combination of my previous two goals. In a previous blog post, I mentioned that my two goals were to develop reads/ranges better by asking questions and deducting what my opponent's likely holdings were. What type of opponent is my opponent? Loose-passive? (calling station) Tight-Passive? (weak-tight), Loose-Aggressive? (LAG, aggro-donk) Do I want to play a small or big pot with this hand? Given the board, my opponent's range, and reactions to my betting, what is his most likely holding? What are his tendencies? How does he play his draws? His top pair-type hands? His sets/made nut-type hands? What does my opponent think I have given my table image, and what will he think I have when I check, bet, or raise? What do I want him to think I have that he can beat?
4) Take a beat, take a breath. Man, as much as I hate to admit it, I spew pretty hard when someone calls with odds they shouldn't, or hits a 2-3 outer on me. Don't know quite how I'm gonna fix this. Maybe play more (after I cool down from the beats of course) or look into mediation or some shit. Yoga breathing exercises and the like! Don't laugh... I hear it's actually quite relaxing. ;) It's weird. I'm usually not the spewy-type. But I guess since this game involves real money, and I want to earn money in a quick fashion, that I make rushed, retarded decisions at times. This is definitely a last but not least.

Well, that's it for now! With these goals in mind, I'm off to 02/05 No limit! If I should for some reason go spewy, and lose some, I'll move back down to 01/02 at $175 left in my bankroll. Wish me luck!

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