Sunday, May 10, 2009

Improving my winrate

So far... so so. .02/.05 isn't going bad. Actually, if I stop spewing... I probably could become a bigger winner than in .01/.02. I almost came away with a better winrate yesterday. It's about the same though... winning twice the rake. 5 hands I could have played better, and 2 hands that I actually got sucked out on.

1) Poker Stars $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 118292
lol.. I have no good reason for this one.. I knew one of the players was pretty bad.. he still ended up showing up with a better hand than I did though. I should have sized that raise bigger... and realized that when the decent opponent smoothe called it.. that something was out of place. OF COURSE he had the set of 9s.

2) Poker Stars $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 118301
Holy shit, that was a bad reraise on my part. I should have at least made it ~$2-2.5. That flop is somewhat dry, considering I have one of the Qs. I doubt he had at T, as he was somewhat tight in his range calling range. Turn comes a K.. bad card to see as it's an over to my Q, and J9/AJ got there. He shoves and it's pretty obvious he made his draw with AJo. He kindly shows that I was right as I folded. Gotta love people who give free information, and solidify your reads! What a nice guy!

3) Poker Stars $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 118310
This is spew. I should have realized that I was against a bad player... so most likely he didn't have a set when he donk bet my preflop raise. Usually they'll let you know if you reraise by shoving or reraising you again with a pretty big amount. If he called, I should have fired a big bet on the turn. Problem is on the turn he picked up a open-ended straight draw with his pair. 8+2+3= 13 out draw. Let's see.. i raised him 60 from his 20... so it's 40cents to go in a $1 pot. So he's getting 2.5 to 1 on a 2.54 to 1 shot... sounds about right. I let him make a correct call, and boom, river hits completing his straight. At least I got to see showdown for cheap... =/

4) Poker Stars $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 118319

And that's it for the spew for the most part. All these hands cost me around ~$9 total. +5= 14-2.. yea I could be earning so much more. So what are the leaks in my game?
1) Playing back at people who have something. In essence, fold more when strength is shown by competent opponents. Who am I in the pot with?
2) Be aware of overcalls! (they're going to be the nuts 99% of the time, from "decent" passive players)
3) Bet more for value! I am the favorite vs a majority of these opponents, therefore, more money should go into the pot. This is mostly on the flop, reraising on danger boards... as shown in hand 3, and value betting the turn and river more.

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